Immersion Assembly

Our Pt England Way is always kick start the term with an immersion assembly. Today was no different. Our management team started us off by trading our theme May the force be with you , which is all about sound! There were 6 different performances which were performed by the teachers of each team.

we will be learning about the ear music wave and vibration. team 5 is going to be using objects to create sound like water bottle rubber bands and more. we have to build instruments I think I’m go to make a microphone.

The theme for term 3

        The theme for term 3 is karawhiua give it heaps it means (give it you’r all, and to not give up) I would love to try this theme out .we have a lot of things to get used to this term .we will be learning about health and fitness. we watching the emergency assembly and I seen team 5 it was so cringe. Mr Wiseman was trying to juggle 3 balls and everyone put a thumbs down because no one thought he could do it. but he did. It’s was not too good but not too bad.

In the holiday I chill and watch Netflix it was getting really bored so my nan said that I can go to my stsier house I was so happy because I got to see kiki